The Friends at the Amelia Scott - Amelia

The Friends at the Amelia Scott

The Friends at the Amelia Scott is a registered charity whose aims are to promote, support, assist and improve the Amelia Scott. We are supported by a dedicated group of volunteers. Through donations and assistance we continue our work and provide events such as tours of the London fan collection, Cranbrook marvellous museum, church and windmill among others.

Our proudest boast is helping in a vital but small way to transform the old library, museum and art gallery to the Amelia Scott.

The Georgian gown and Georgian suit after refurbishment funded through and by the Friends

Formal info follows:
The Friends at the Amelia Scott
Patron; The Most Honourable The VI Marquess of Abergavenny
Charity no. 1118564
Address is 50 East Cliff rd, TW,TN4 9AG
Contact via for more information about joining or donating. We are registered for gift aid.

The Friends at the Amelia annual Garden Party
The Friends at the Amelia annual Garden Party
The relations of Amelia Scott as well as Anne Carwardine the author of the booklet ‘Amelia Scott A Tunbridge Wells Pioneer’
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