Amelia Scott
Amelia (Millie) Scott was a social reformer and campaigner for women's suffrage. She lived and worked in Tunbridge Wells. Much of Amelia's social activism focused on the needs of young, working class women and mothers. She was an official of Tunbridge Wells' non-militant women's suffrage society.
As a Poor Law Guardian Amelia inspected the workhouse at Pembury. She raised awareness to the needs of new mothers, as well as those of workhouse inmates.
During the First World War Amelia and her sister Louisa became members of the committee set up to welcome and assist Belgian refugees. The King of Belgium awarded Amelia the Order of the Golden Palm for her work.
In 1919, Amelia Scott and Susan Power became the first women elected to the borough council of Tunbridge Wells. Amelia campaigned for the recruitment of women police and for better housing. She also appealed for the provision of services such as a museum and library.
Amelia retired in 1930 but continued her work in the community. She oversaw a local soup kitchen opened to help the unemployed population. She remained the Chair of the hospital committee at Pembury. Amelia wrote 'Passing of the Great Dread'. This focused on the transformation of the old workhouse into a modern hospital.
The Amelia Scott will continue in the spirit of Amelia's work. We will create greater public access for diverse audiences. The community will come together through our collections, services and activities.