KS1 – Dinosaurs and Fossils
Topic: History and Science
Duration: 60 mins
In this session, pupils begin discovering some of the ways we find out about the past as they handle a range of fossils from The Amelia’s collection. We explore how the fossils were made and what they tell us about what the world was like millions of years ago. The session culminates with the thrilling opportunity to handle a fossil from a local dinosaur: Iguanodon!
Cost: 60 min session: £75 for 30 children
More info: To request more information about any of our sessions or to make a booking, please contact the Learning Team for The Amelia at learningattheamelia@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
KS2 – Dinosaurs, Fossils … and Maths!
(Recommended for Years 4 – 6)
Topic: History, Science and Maths
Duration: 60 mins
In the first part of this session, pupils explore fossils from The Amelia’s collection, looking at how they provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. We then focus on the fossil of a dinosaur from our local area: iguanodon. The class use their maths skills to work out how big the bone would have been when whole and then how big the dinosaur it belonged to would have been when it roamed our local area around 125 million years ago!
Cost: 60 min session: £75 for 30 children
More info: To request more information about any of our sessions or to make a booking, please contact the Learning Team for The Amelia at learningattheamelia@tunbridgewells.gov.uk
Supported by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Kent County Council, National Lottery Heritage Fund & Arts Council England